jenny Cindy Emma Jackie Wendy Maria Erine Erica&Erine Lizzy Angela Katie Gavin

6 t e e n





A teenager with spirit. The ups and downs of my life. What I feel, What I dare.
"Let the spirits of the earth guide you," urged Grandmother Willow.
"...when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things, and then I don't feel so badd"
Live with happiness , live with freedom , live with you .

EXTREME CORNY PERSON. but I like being corny

Where the vibrant flora thrive, and cherished culture flourishes, the city of Chamosia bustles with life endlessly as a diverse range of fauna scamper, soar and swim through the luxurious habitats. Though this community seemed to be of affection and passion, the only passion evident was that in battles: their passion to have a victory. Chamosia requires one to unite with another to perform in a fight, with this, connections between beings are established, however no trace of affection or friendship is found within it. The ability to be able to fight is like the ability to be able to drive – it is a privilege that only the competent can achieve.

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